"Have mercy on m e, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my inquity and cleanse me from my sin.... Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (v. 1-2, 10-13)
Oh how great it is to live in a clean house. Oh how wonderful it feels to wash away all the filth and dirt from our bodies during a bath, and refreshing it is afterwards. In either cases, action is taken on our part. Cleaning a house can be as simple as just organizing it, and as a difficult and time consuming as scrubbing away grime and grease. Taking a bath requires taking our clothes off and having it washed, as we lather with soap and wash away the dirt. How often do we immediately desire to dirty either? Do we ever? Wouldn't it be nice to always have it clean? Do we not sometimes take measure to do so?
Well our sins, other than the consequences, are no different. It is good to recognize that we have sinned against God, and seek His forgiveness. Through God's "unfailing love" (Jesus Christ), our sins are washed away. Oh what a feeling! However, we cannot stop after forgiveness. We should also seek God to retain a "pure heart" through His strength. We need a "steadfast" spirit to sustain us and not sin again. As parents, how do we feel when our children continues to disobey. Most times our children our genuine in asking forgiveness, but they just do not have the stamina to avoid it again. Does it not hurt us. Similarly, we too must have a "steadfast spirit", but it can only come from Him. Therefore, let us continue to pray continuously having our eyes fixed on Him.