Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Working Wisely

John 9:1-11

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." (v. 4-5)

Ugh... I have already woken up late this morning and I'm starting off with a headache. It was a debate whether to begin my QT this morning and forego it since I will be late to work, but I am here now. Unfortunately, I can remember late last night thinking to myself that I would regret staying up late watching a TV show. Well... I'm regretting it. Not only am I late and my head hurts, but I will stuck in traffic now and will have an even slower start this morning. I will have less time to accomplish some work.

Unfortunately, my unwise decision last night is causing some hardship. What is worse is the missed opportunities as a result of this. Jesus was quite clear on making sure to make wise decisions with what we do with the times that are given us. Opportunities will come and go quickly, and our decisions now can adversely affect these opportunities later. For example, if we hesitate to share the Good News to someone when the opportunities arise (whether because of fear or otherwise), then we may not have an opportunity later. This could not only affect the person from accepting Christ at that time or ever at all, but it may impact the person not affecting others as well. It is a domino affect that we may not be aware of. However, the domino affect does exist as this morning is an example of such.

Let us therefore use our time wisely as it is given to us. Let us work on every opportunities that come our way, especially when it is His work!

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