Wednesday, December 07, 2005


2 Corinthians 5:11-21

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (v. 21)

I remember when I first accepted Christ. I was 10 years old, and it was during my first camp away from home. It was the first time I heard the story of Christ, and was compelled to walk up to the pulpit to accept this wonderful gift. At the time, there was nothing else in my mind but to do this. I was uncertain what this all meant, but nothing else mattered. It became a life changing experience. As young as I was, my journeys in walking with God was ever so strong. It didn't make much sense then, but I knew it was all about life.

As time had passed, my walk with the Lord became more important. However, there was a period of time when I felt as if I had not done enough. I was building an expectation that something miraculous should've happened to me by then and that I should be involved with miracles. Unfortunately, I felt that I had failed because of the continued sin in my life and the little change. As a "new creation" I still had many of the old habits and behaviors as the "old."

I then realized that accepting Christ is a miracle in itself. Accepting the gift does make me a "new creation" in that I have been adopted as His son. The change however is a process requiring time. In the Scripture it does not state that we might "be" the righteousness of God, but that we might "become."

I have watched my daughter not only grow physically, but spiritually. Her prayers have matured in time. However, I have also realized how much she has learned from the prayers she hears. As she prays, she also prays from what she has heard when I prayed. Similarly, when we spend time with our heavenly Father, we too begin to take on His character.

Let us therefore take every measure to spend time with Him, and become more like Him with each new moment.

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